Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Synesthesia and Cymatics

In class last Thursday, we discussed two intriguing topics - synesthesia and cymatics.

Synesthesia being "the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense of part of the body". This concept fascinated me, and part of me developed jealousy that I was unable to combine two senses, as discussed in the video we watched. To be able to combine taste with hearing, or sight with smell, is mind-blowing. I remember while watching the video, I tried to think back at times where I too could smell colors or hear tastes. Even throughout the video, I thought I could smell the visuals on the screen - but alas, I think it was a placebo effect instead. Randomly this weekend, my friend Brooke started talking about how she can taste colors and hear smells. I immediately turned to her and diagnosed her. I knew she had synesthesia! That was neat to apply something we talked about in class and use it only a few days after. She had no idea why she could do the things that she did, but that has changed.

Another idea discussed in class was cymatics. Cymatics is defined as "the study of wave phenomena, especially sound and their visual representations". I am a visual learner, a filmmaker, and an artist. This concept allowed me to see sound. The designs created through sound vibrations. I knew sound waves followed a certain pattern, however I could not visualize those patterns until watching the video with the sand shifting on the pan. Sound is its own art form.

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